Thursday, January 20, 2011

Not Tom Brady: NICU Day 80

..a bradycardia. The ONE thing you don't want to happen right before going home.

Bradycardia=5 extra days.

Carter had a bradycardia last night while I was holding him. What can I say? He just got sooo comfortable. He is doing fine. Brady's can happen while drinking, burping, sleeping or passing a stool. We weren't expecting them home on Monday quite yet anyway so we aren't too bummed, but you can see how upsetting it could be. They want us to stay in the Overnight Room in the NICU for two nights before we take them home so I'm not sure just yet when we'll do that. My guess, we'll stay at the hospital Monday and Tuesday night and hopefully take them home Wednesday or Thursday. Luke could possibly stay a day or two longer if he doesn't do well when they take him off the oxygen. Everything is up in the air right now and it can change any day. They will reevaluate both boys on Monday and we'll know more details then. Stay tuned....

I went camera crazy last night with Carter !!

Aren't babies soooooooo cute when they sleep?

As of today @ 1pm. Luke is now on .1 liter on his flow!! Woooooohooo!


  1. Oh I so remember the rooming in days. You have to take it with a grain of salt as everyone is watching you care for your own babies. I totally got chills when I read they were getting close. Truly, the best day of my life!!! Get ready for an extreme amount of cuddle time!
